Henry Stapp: Mind, Matter, and Quantum Mechanics


Title: Mind, Matter, and Quantum Mechanics
Author: Henry P. Stapp
Published in: 1993
Publisher: Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg
Number of pages: 248
ISBN: 0-387-56289-3 or 3-540-56289-3

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personal motives for philosophical studiesa personal search for the meaning of life
The purchase of the book can be strongly recommended to anyone who
  • has an interest in the mind-body problem
  • has a basic understanding of quantum mechanics
  • is looking for extensive references to a large number of philosophically minded scientists.

The following quotations are to give an idea of the general attitude of the book:

  short comment and quotationsAn example of an ardently mechanistic, materialist approach to science is given by John Yerbury Dents book "Reactions of the Human Machine", published in 1936.
On David Bohm`s Theory, page 18:
The key features of Bohm`s model are that the probability distribution exists objectively, and decomposes dynamically at the level of the macroscopic variables, during certain "measurement-type" physical processes, into distinguishable branches, one of which is singled out by a nonlocal mechanism. It is postualted that only this one singled-out branch is experienced in human consciousness.
On Heisenbergs model page 19:
The dynamical evolution of the physical world - as represented by this probability distribution - proceeds by an alternation between two phases: the gradual evolution via deterministic laws analogous to the laws of classical physics is punctuated, at certain times, by sudden uncontrolled quantum jumps, or events.

Our world needs computational power to be constantly "refreshed".

universe.exe: the world as a computer simulation (German)

On Heisenbergs model, page 20:
Heisenberg`s model of physical reality, as elucidated here, has three characteristics that are important in what follows: (1) the model postulates the existence in nature of "events", which are identified as the actual happenings in nature; (2) each such event actualizes a large-scale happening; it saves an entire macroscopic pattern of activity, and eradicates the alternatives; (3) such an event cann occur only after an initial mechanical phase has constructed the distinct alternative macroscopic possibilities between which the choice is to be made.
On Penrose as a Platonist, page 32:
Penrose`s second argument is intended to buttress his belief that human consciousness directly accesses the Platonic realm of abstract mathematical truth.
  2001The intrinsic irrationality of Platonic ideas (German)
On Penrose`s graviton theory and chance, page 32:
If the physical universe indeed behaves in accordance with rules of quantum theory, then it acts in some sense algorithmically, provided the quantum element of chance is simulated by a (pseudo) random number generator.
On consciousness and synapses, page 42:
Brain processes involve chemical processes, and hence must, in principle, be treated quantum mechanically. In particular, the transmission process occurring at a synaptic junction is apparently triggered by the capture of a small number of calcium ions at an appropriate release site. In a quantum-mechanical treatment, the locations of these calcium ions must be represented by a probability function. This effectively smears these particles over large regions, in a quantum-statistical sense.
On consciousness, page 43:
The situation described above is, from the physical point of view, essentially the same as the one considered by Heisenberg, with the human brain in place of his measuring device. Thus if one accepts his picture of the world, then one must accept also that if the brain evolves into a superposition of states characterized by different "self and world" schema then an acutal event must select and actualize one of these "observable" states, and eradicate the others. I propose to identify each such actual brain event with a conscious event, and, conversely, to identify each conscious event with an acutal brain event of this particular kind.

The User Illusion: Quotations from a book, written in 1991
The phenomenon of consciousness

On quantum theory and biology, page 132:
In the ontological description of brain processes given above the quantum actual event that selects the brain state is not made separately for each synaptic event. It is made only at a much higher level of integration, where a record is created of the actualization of an entire pattern of neuronal excitation: the entire pattern is actualized by a single high-level event.
On the superfluity of classical physics, page 136:
The second fundamental reason why we must turn to quantum theory is that classical physics has, as is well known, no rational place for consciousness: it is already logically complete.
On James' theory, page 178:
Perhaps the central thesis of James`s monumental text, The Principles of Psychology, was that each conscious thought is essentially a complex whole: each thought has components, which can be examined by subsequent analysis, but as given, is a unified whole that cannot be reduced to a collection of parts without destroying its essence.
  The Doors of Perception: Quotations from a book written in 1953Aldous Huxley on the limitation of symbols being able to represent true menaning.
On synaptic events, page 179:
Brains are similar in this respect to measuring devices. At the synaptic events, and also at neuron firings, there are large amplification effects. Moreover, and this is the crucial point, an analysis by John von Neumann shows that the quantum events in the brain need not occur either at the level of the individual synaptic discharge or at the level of the individual neuron-firing: they can occur, instead, at the level of the entire brain...
On Jungian archetypes, page 180:
Pauli`s idea of a regulative principle lying beyond the mind-matter distinction is intertwined with the Jungian concepts of archetypes and synchronicity. Synchronicity refers to the occurrence of representations of archetypes in meaningful coincidences that defy causal explanation ... behind the process of nature that we already know and understand there lies another, which acausally weaves meaning into the fabric of nature.
  Does God influence our universe in some mysterious way?Is there a free-will acting in the world but hidden to our perception?
On the masking effect of quantum events, page 181:
...the structure of quantum theory guarantees that all traces of these peculiar influences must disappear from the statistical averages that occur in the empirical scientific tests: all acausal aspects are completely masked by the effects of chance ... This interlocking of causality and chance has important consequences. It means tht the play of quantum chance acts both to veil the form of fundamental reality and to unveil the form of empirical reality. However, if causal anomalies actually do appear then the veil has apparently been pushed aside; we have been offered a glimpse of the deeper reality.

Does something/someone meddle with our brains?

Definition of choice, page 185:
I shall call by the name "choice" any fixing of something that is left free by the laws of nature, as they are currently understood.
On quantum foam, page 187:
The full universe consists therefore of an exceedingly thin veneer of relatively sluggish, directly observable properties resting on a vast ocean of rapidly fluctuating unobservable ones.
On the averaging effect of chance, page 193:
...the bookkeeping system is global: an adjustment of possibilities is immediately made over the entire spacetime mainfold. Thus the basic process of choice is fundamentally global, but it creates locally defined meaning.
On the emergence on different levels of complexity, page 193:
It is possible that this criterion of value in natural process applies only at the level of measuring devices. However, it is at least conceivable that the same criterion applies also on other scales, and could be detected as a biasing of quantum choices in favor of the creation of sustainable forms on all levels. Such a biasing should be detectable under laboratory conditions, and may eventually become necessary to introduce into the domains of biology and cosmology...

Is there a recognizable world-process going on Some ideas in Germantowards ever higher complexity?


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Last edited: January 2002