Questions Inspired by the Metapher of the "Global Organism" as Applied to Economic Companies

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      Evolutionary Economics, more of this in German...      

Could back-propagation be implemented on a company level, with single humans and computers as neurons and their possible links as synapses?

Thoughts, impressions or feelings in human brains closely correspond to the synchronized activity of dispersed neurons. Can this be found on a company level as well and how could it be supported?


Synaptic plasticity is a feature common to all neural networks. Could it be implemented within a company communication software to enhance effects of learning on company level?


Spatial differentiation of functions are a key-property of brains. Should this be implemented on a company level to optimize network capacity?

Biological neurons work by reducing many ingoing signals to one outgoing signal. Can a single employee be compared to a neuron? Symbols play a central role in cognition psychology. Could some future generation of search enginges be understood as generating or filling symbols? The creation of artificial intelligence is usually attempted at the low level of single computers. Should attempts be carried out at the higher level of companies to gain in critical mass of components?

If successful companies were forced to duplicate themselves rather than expand, would this free the potential of genetic optimization strategies?

If the results of a benchmarking campaign could be forced upon the participants, would it then be advisable to encode company attributes in a gene-like manner?

How could the results of the game theory be applied to incentive systems used to motivate single employees, whole departments or even division-branches? Network ressources will increasingly become a limited ressource. Who or what is to distribute these ressources among competing agents? Could a company limbic system help? Phantasy, dreaming and undirected thinking often serve to find causal links between momorized data. Can data-mining software be compared to this? Human behaviour seems to be much governed by social demands. Supposing that social knowledge is more sound than individual knowledge, should the underlying principles be actively supported within a company?
Neuroanatomy Cognition Psychology Artificial Intelligence Evolution Biology Economic Sciences Game Theory Network Technology Computer Sciences Social Sciences
The concept of "complex adaptive systems" as presented by "Santa Fe Institute" (USA) Unifying theories and paradigms (for examples see left and right) try to distill common features from different scientific branches (above). They help focus attention on fundamental principles. The concept of "cybernetics" as presented by "Principia Cybernetica Web" (Brussels)