Possible Partners for Research

  1. Italy: Neural network group (Prof. Soda), http://www-dsi.ing.unifi.it/neural/home.html

  2. Dipartimento Di Informatica, Universita di Torino (Prof. Pietro Torasso), http://www.di.unito.it/various/presentation_en.html doing research on the following: Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Databases and Information Systems, Decision Making Models and Management Systems, Informatic Technology, Linear Programming, Integer Linear Programming, Game Theory, Logic Programming and Automated Reasoning, Mathematical Logic, Methods and Tools for the Analysis and Development of Performance Oriented Computer Systems, Modelling in Biology and Medicine, Models and Tools for the Design of Cooperative Systems, Multidimensional Signal Processing, Security and Computer Networks, Semantics and Logics of Computation

  3. NCC (Network Communication Consulting AG), Thomas Leege (Bahnfahrt Köln Frankfurt, Oktober 1999), Schanzenstraße 40, Gebäude 197, D-51063 Köln, Telefon: 0221-96486-411, Fax: 0221 96486 204, Mobil: 0172 2570228, Ansprechpartner: Thomas Leege, Mail: tleege@ncc.de,

  4. A Spanish student (Francisco Rodriguez) has created an excellent internet tutorial on neural networks (http://www.gc.ssr.upm.es/inves/neural/ann1/concepts/biotype.html). He is associated with the "Departamento de Señales, Sistemas y Radiocomunicaciones" of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid  Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación (http://www.ssr.upm.es/indexUK.htm).