By intelligently reducing much ingoing information to less outgoing information, neurons act as basic agents of intelligence

Neurons in biological brains...

are connected with up to 10.000 ingoing dendrites (bottom arrows) from other neurons but only have one outgoing axon (top). The axon might ramify into many different branchens reaching out to a large number of other neurons or dendrites. All signals are encoded as electrical charges passing through dendrites and neurons.


...and typical working-places in companies...

Suppose a project engineer is responsible for the choice of software his company should use. Before deciding for or against a certain product he most likely consults many information sources and then relays his decision to a more or less large number of recipients. in a similar way...

In both cases, the main act of information processing consists in intelligently reducing much ingoing information to a sensible outgoing piece of information.


...and can be modelled in the following way:

With a few refinements, this model of the basic information-processing act can serve to describe a whole company.