The Idea of a Synaptic Office in Neural Companies

Although the brain’s working cannot be reduced to any one principle alone, the connecting points between different nerve cells, called synapses, seem to play a major role in the brain’s operating system. The basic information processing units of the brain are single nerve cells, called neurons. Each More about the basic principle of connectionist information processing (German)neuron has one outgoing nerve fibre called the axon. This may bifurcate a number of times. It is along the axon alone that the neuron can send signals to other neurons. Another structure stretching out from the neuron`s body is called dendrites. Dendrites usually have a tree-like shape and this is where ingoing signals from the axons of other neurons are received through. Now, each signal that passes from the axon of one neuron to the dendrite of another neuron has to cross a physically visible structure called the synapse. The likelihood, however, with which an ingoing signal will be transmitted across the synapse is influenced by the synapse’s momentary internal structure. The synapses readiness to pass on signals is called synaptic conductivity. Inside the neurons body, called the soma, the ingoing signals are processed in a way unknown. But most scientists would agree that the outgoing signal of a neuron is significantly influenced by its input.   A visualization of the idea of a neural company and synaptic communicationa neural company as such

Animated gifs, sketches and drawings relating to the idea of synaptic communicationmore pictures, drawings and animated.gifs about neural companies

Query the Internet for "synaptic communications" (2002)In the USA there is a company called "Synaptic Communications Inc"

If you appreciate the fact that an ordinary neuron is connected to about 10.000 other neurons, this fact can be formulated as follows: In any given situation, a neuron’s output is at least partly determined by the synaptic conductivity of its synapses. Weighing ingoing signals according to the current situation seems to be one key to intelligent information processing. We must, therefore, suspect some intelligent mechanism regulating synaptic conductivity.    
The strength of this principle is proven by the widespread success of „neural networks“. These computer programmes exploit the mechanism of altering synaptic conductivity. By the use of more or less sophisticated learning algorithms, synaptic conductivity within a network of neurons is so manipulated that the network’s overall output increases in quality during a session of learning sets.    
Let us now turn to human information workers within an ordinary organization like a company and see the similarities.

In the coal-washing plant of a German hard-coal mine, about 1995
Figure 1: Typical working place at the end of the 20th century

The picture above shows quite an ordinary working place in the control centre of an industrial plant. Via the monitors and through the telephones and notes lying about on the desk, the operator is linked to vast ressources of information. Long lists of telephone numbers, shift plans, process data showing temperatures inside tanks, rotational speeds of enginges, electrical currents and voltages, CH4-contents of analyzed coal, maps of the plant’s premises, plans of electrical intallations, flow charts etc.

In case of an accident, the speed and quality of the operator’s decisions and instructions given to other people „on the spot“ will largely depend on how fast he can access relevant information. This is true of any situation where human attention and time for information retrieval are limited ressources.    
Technologies for user- and case-sensitive data-presentation are one key-focus of groupware and knowledge-management systems being developed at present. They all aim, more or less, at sensibly modifying the attention a certain piece of information can attract from a user in a given situation. To revert to the model of neurons, they modify synaptic conductivity between providers and potential recipients of information. If you place an important note right on the desk of a colleague instead of sending it through the company snail-mail system you are increasing the synaptic conductivity between the note’s content and your colleagues attention.

By placing notes or folders at different places, the persistence of the information can be changed.
Figure 2: pieces of information around a typical office worker

The picture above suggests many ways in which the likelihood of a certain piece of information 1 to 8 reaching the workers attention can be modified quite easily by placing at another location.

More about the idea of a synaptic mode of office work (German)And the same thing happens when you are surfing the internet using a commercially oriented browser. By constantly monitoring your interests, the browser may be able to suggest links, banners and tickers that are most relevant to you in such a way as to increase the likelihood that the linked contents will pass through the monitor or loudspeaker straight into your brain. Even the simple rules governing the right to speak between different people in a company fall in this case: the higher up on the hierachical ladder you are, the greater is your privilege to interrupt lowers in their conversation to put in what you have to say. This, obviously, increases the likelihood with which superiors can get their messages across. And the true value of a good secretariat is to filter and weigh ingoing information in such a way, as to best suit the needs of the superior. For an unimportant and unpopular colleague, the synaptic conductivity of the secretariat may be near nil whereas an important customer may gain direct access to the boss in the same circumstances.

  Input => organisationes Netz => Outputneural offices in a networked company
So here we have one (no more!) basic mechanism of neural intelligence to build on: the weighing of different sources of information. And although the weighing of information inputs can occur in many ways without the aid of computers, this paper will concentrate on digitalized communication and knowledge management. Thus, the classical model of communication including sender, recipient, content and medium of information transmission is slightly modified to bring it nearer to the neuron model of real brains:

similar ideas in German: companies as neural networks

Figure 3: the idea of an organizational neuron


The Neural Intelligence of Economic Companies Will large companies turn into some sort of intelligent biological beings endowed with consciousness?
one level up top level

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