The Consciousness of Neural Companies


Consciousness as an interface between our world and an "other-world"

Consciousness scanning parts of a neural company


Consciousness as an information scanning device (some ideas in German)

Consciousness scanning a human brain

Consciousness is a very intriguing phenomen. Classical physics does not need it, it does not appear in any scientifically relevant formula. Yet it exists and there is a growing number of scientists who begin to explore its modes.   etwa 100 veschiedene kleinere Bilder, Skzzen etc.Some more animations and sketches on the idea of neural companies
The idea of a "world process" leading towards structures of ever higher complexity

Consciousness scanning material structures of increasing complexity

  Zitat eines Physikers über die Ganzheitlichkeit von BewusstseinHenry Stapp on holistic consciousness

link to a quotationTor Norretranders on the question of awareness

Some think that consciousness is an ermergent feature of growing complexity. This is more or less the idea explored here, too. I think it possible that consciousness is some sort of data gathering device that scans certain areas of physical reality to glean information about it. On the basis of this information, certain amendments may be made by a hidden world-controller (god?) by use of quantum mechanics.   link to a quotationTor Norretranders on what consciousness is not

Does something "unearthly" influence physical processes via consciousness? (German)

Consciousness (blue whirls) and quantum events (red shots) as an interface?

  Animation: chance, consciousness and quantum physics as an integrated interfaceDo chance, consciousness and quantum physics work together to link our world to some sort of "other-world"?

The Neural Intelligence of Economic Companies Will large companies turn into some sort of intelligent biological beings endowed with consciousness?
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